Wishek JDA General Grant

Any primary sector business proposing to operate or operating within the city limits of Wishek, or any business operating or proposing to operate in any area that is in close proximity to the city and will have a direct benefit to the economy of Wishek.

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Resource Provider
The purpose of the Wishek JDA is to provide business and financial assistance to startup, expansion and recruited businesses, focusing on, but not limited to, primary sector businesses. The Wishek JDA also has an interest in increasing employment opportunities for area residents, and will assist projects which have this as their focus.
Resource Type
58413, 58460, 58495, 58581
Business Acquisition, COVID-19, Debt Refinancing, Equipment, Hiring & Recruitment, Inventory, Leasehold Improvements, Other, Real Estate, Renovation to Real Estate, Research, Sales Tax, Startup, Working Capital
Primary Sector
Business Stage
Existing Business, New Business
Cody Cooper
(701) 452-2371

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